The Story of BizTheory

BizTheory started early in 2022, but the experiences that led to Sanjith seeing a need for such an organization arrived far earlier.

The clear lack of resources for youth in the business world became apparent to Sanjith
as he struggled to find teen-inclusive, engaging, and inexpensive business events even
in the heart of innovation that is Silicon Valley.

Understanding that this problem is likely even worse the further you move from

Our mission is to expand access to business education and ventures amongst teens and
especially underserved youth. We have an international team of dedicated to fighting this
injustice through a variety of schemes.

We focus on executing on this mission through 3 main methods, them being: the Online Business Literacy Program (OBLP), the International Coordinated Clubs Project (ICCP), and the Global Events Initiative (GEI).

4233 McNamara Street
94538 Fremont, CA
(408) 431-2085

To contact us with questions and
suggestions, reach out to us at